Meet Dr. Rebecca Barcelow

Meet Dr. Rebecca Barcelow

Tell us a little about yourself and your history. My name is Dr. Rebecca Barcelow, and I am an optometrist practicing in Windsor County. I am a third-generation optometrist. My grandfather, Dr. Albert Barcelow, bought a practice in South Royalton, back in the 1960s....
Meet Dr. Mercedes Smith

Meet Dr. Mercedes Smith

After graduating from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Philadelphia in 2020, I moved with my family to Vermont. It wasn’t long before we fell in love with the state. My husband and I are from big cities, so the tranquil landscape, and the kind,...
Support the VOA, Donate Today!

Support the VOA, Donate Today!

Join us in our fight to bring the scope of Vermont optometrists to the level of our training! Due to the hard work of many of you, town hall meetings, and patient testimonies, our fight for OPR to recommend scope expansion was successful! Currently, our scope bill...