by Vermont Optometric Association | Mar 12, 2024 | Blog
Below is the opinion of Dr. Randy Fitzgerald, of Colchester, who practices optometry in Burlington, sharing his thoughts on the need for an expanded scope for optometrists in Vermont. Why do you visit your optometrist? An injection, perhaps, a troublesome growth or...
by Vermont Optometric Association | Mar 1, 2024 | Blog
Drs. Sophia Convertini and Michael Sellars met while studying to become optometrists and have together come to Vermont for residency, working closely with Dr. Dean Barcelow, president of the Vermont Optometric Association. Below they share their experience as students...
by Vermont Optometric Association | Jan 31, 2024 | Blog
Join us in our fight to bring the scope of Vermont optometrists to the level of our training! Due to the hard work of many of you, town hall meetings, and patient testimonies, our fight for OPR to recommend scope expansion was successful! Currently, our scope bill...
by Vermont Optometric Association | Jan 12, 2024 | News
We are excited to unveil our new, modern website that aims to elevate your experience with us. However, we regret to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, certain functionalities such as member login, online payments, and joining are temporarily...