Support Vermont Optometrists
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Our Campaign Needs You
Join us in our fight to bring the scope of Vermont optometrists to the level of our training!
Due to the hard work of many of you, town hall meetings, and patient testimonies, our fight for OPR to recommend scope expansion was successful! Currently, our scope bill S.233 is awaiting a decision in the legislature.
The ophthalmologists and medical society have secured a media company and extra lobbyists in Montpelier. Our grassroots team is meeting with legislators weekly and we have employed our own marketing firm to push back.
Engaging in this battle is costly. We have already put an extensive amount of time and resources into this campaign. If all Vermont optometrists donate at least $500, we will be able to keep our momentum going!
Help us see this through to the finish line!
- Patron: $2000+
- Advocate: $1000-$1999
- Affiliate: $500-$999
- Benefactor: $50-$499
Thank you for supporting Vermont’s optometrists!