
VOA Membership Information

AOA and VOA Dues

The VOA collects dues for both associations. The VOA treasurer then sends dues to the AOA on your behalf. More information and any further details can be obtained by contacting the VOA treasurer. 

VOA Policies

The VOA exists to assist and be an advocate for its members. Members have assumed a significant financial obligation to the VOA, and members’ dues permit the VOA to exist and to function. 

VOA Bylaws

Our Mission is to affiliate all optometrists licensed or residing in Vermont into one State Association, to affiliate this Association with the American Optometric Association…

Why Should You Join?

The Vermont Optometric Association  is the organized voice of Vermont’s optometrists.

Optometry is strong in our state due in great part to the efforts of the VOA. For over 45 years this group has been driven by optometrists working together. As a profession, optometry has grown vigorously in Vermont because individual optometrists have united their efforts through their profession association.

We are your advocate in legislation that impacts the scope and quality of your practice. We are your ally in ensuring inclusion in managed care plans. We are your resource for information on ever-emerging laws and guidelines that involve optometry. We are your network of intra-professional communication among your optometric colleagues.

You belong in this association

The VOA and AOA are made up of optometrists from many different settings.  Being part of this tremendous organization not only makes your voice heard by state legislators, but it allows you many opportunities for practice development, career advancement, and expanded public awareness of the profession of optometry.

Continuing Education available

The VOA offers first class continuing education by bringing some of the nation’s leading optometric and medical speakers to Vermont for educational seminars.  Practice enhancement and office staff education are additional VOA benefits.  These quality programs are offered to VOA members at discounted fees.

Maintain professional relationships

Interested in maintaining professional contact with other optometrists? Thanks to the bi-annual VOA meetings and educational seminars, and the AOA Congress, you will have great opportunities for meeting new colleagues and continue your contact with others.

Stay updated on optometric issues

Timely e-mail communications, along with the AOA News, will ensure that you will stay informed on local, state and national issues at all times.

Resources for career options

National and state resources are ready to assist you in seeking practice opportunities.  The AOA’s Practice Resource Network (PRN) and the classified section of the VOA website can help you in your professional journey.

VOA information and dues

The VOA and AOA provide a simple and affordable way to invest in membership of organized optometry.  Dues are based on a gradual sliding scale that reflects the years of practice since obtaining your O.D. degree.  The scale for combined VOA/AOA dues starts at a small percentage of the full fee of the 1st year, then gradually increases over the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and up to full scale at the 5th year.  Dues payments can be submitted quarterly or annually.  If submitted annually the fee is reduced by $50.